Drivers Baumer Optronic Gmbh - Germany Cameras

Baumer Optronic GmbH Badstrasse 30 DE-01454 Radeberg, Germany Phone +49 (0)3528 4386 0 Fax +49 (0)3528 4386 86 Last change: Page 5 / 9 Version: TDSTXG14v50e Software Baumer-GAPI SDK with supported OS socket driver and Baumer filter driver /. MED ace 6.4 MP: Unmatched Price-Performance Ratio. The facts speak for the outstanding performance of our MED ace 6.4 MP camera. And the price is convincing as well: 449 € / $ 509 for the monochrome and 489 € / $ 549 for the color version. TDSVCXG-51M 3 Baumer Optronic GmbH Radeberg, Germany in Assignment Data Interface Pin Assignment Process Interface (on camera side) 1 2 7 6 5 4 3 8 wire colors on connecting cables (ordered separately) 1 White 5 Grey 2 Brown 6 Pink 3 Green 7 Blue 4 Yellow 8 Red Device Temperature: T = Measurement Point LED Signalling.


Rugged & certifiable: When lives and safety are at stake, Kappa delivers the best, most reliable, and most precise vision solutions.

Cameras and Vision Systems for Anything that Drives or Flies!


Kappa has over 40 years of experience with application-specific cameras and vision systems in rugged and certifiable design – in small and mid-sized series.

Drivers Baumer Optronic Gmbh - Germany Cameras Wireless

We offer innovative vision solutions for day and night operations, ensuring maximum performance of higher level systems. Our solutions are especially suitable for safety-critical applications. We provide on-site consulting, dynamic project management, and a highly experienced development team.

Special signal processing, mechanical modifications and customer-specific interface configuration are all part of the Kappa concept, as are integration of optical components, illumination and video management.

We are leaders in technology. Moreover, we meet all safety requirements on design assurance procedures in hardware and software development, qualification and certification (up to SIL 2/ASIL-B/ DAL-B, ISO 26262, DO-254, DO-160, DO-178, MIL STD 810/704, Nato-Supplier Code C4792).

Your benefits at a glance

Drivers Baumer Optronic Gmbh - Germany Cameras Used

Extremely rugged design | High integration capability | ITAR free | Certifiable maximum safety | Vision (sub-) systems, glass-to-glass, board level cameras | Latency-free images | Long-term availability & functional warranty | Day & night vision, 24/7